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Apindo Hopes the Illegal Import Task Force is Competent and Credible

Illegal imports hit the domestic industry hard because their prices are extremely low. Illegal imports frequently occur with textile products and similar items.


Sutrisno Iwantono, Chairman of Public Policy at the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo), welcomes the government's plan to form a special task force to tackle illegal imports.


"Currently, our colleagues at Apindo and the Chamber of Commerce (Kadin) are very intensively discussing this issue," he said on Wednesday (10/7).

Previously, the Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan, revealed that the government would form a special task force to address illegal imports. The formation of this task force will involve consumer protection agencies, various associations, and law enforcement.


Zulkifli did not specify in detail when the task force would be formed, as further meetings involving relevant stakeholders will be conducted to discuss this matter.


According to Sutrisno, the members of the illegal import task force will certainly include law enforcement officials such as the police, prosecutors, and customs officials, as well as relevant agencies like the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Industry, and business associations.


Regarding the working system, Apindo is still waiting for the concept that will be developed by the government.


"Clearly, association members want to be involved, so that the implementation in the field is precise and can solve the problem quickly," he stated.


Sutrisno hopes that this task force can be effective if it is credible and competent. However, it must be acknowledged that if there is a significant price difference between goods abroad and those in the domestic market, it will inevitably entice parties to smuggle.


In the long term, the issue of this price gap needs to be addressed. Consumers also have the right to obtain goods at reasonable prices.


"A reasonable price should be based on healthy competition, not because of dumping or excessive subsidies in the country of origin," he concluded.



Source : This article has been published by Kontan.


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