Thursday, 26 August 2021
The outbreak of the COVID pandemic has driven changes in the industrial revolution 4.0 to be faster, especially in the use of the internet and digital-based information technology in all industrial sectors requiring a change in the industrial paradigm to adapt to all these changes.
To answer the needs of member companies, research was conducted to strengthen the policy advocacy of the Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO) towards the development of soft skills in the implementation of industry 4.0. This study aims to examine changes in the business environment, particularly related to the needs, challenges, and development of soft skills from the perspective of various stakeholders and develop policy proposals for the implementation of industry 4.0 strategies. The study was conducted by collecting information data through company surveys and focus group discussions and interviews. The survey findings highlight the needs and challenges in developing soft skills.
APINDO formulates advocacy strategies and develops well-researched policy positions and advocacy materials on soft skills development. Industry can better understand the needs and challenges of soft skills development and become more active in developing soft skills according to business needs.
In fact, APINDO takes an active part in tripartite social dialogue on skills development policy, but cannot fully engage in the decision-making process without an evidence-based position and the need for a consolidated membership on soft skills. A number of studies on skills development have been carried out, but special attention has not been paid to soft skills development policies.
APINDO is now able to build strategic partnerships to support and actively participate in the government's programmes to create jobs and enhance soft skills development in the future of work. APINDO, along with the government, universities, and TVET institutions, could contribute to making Indonesia 4.0 as an integrated road map to implement strategies to enter the Industry 4.0 era.
On 26 March 2021, APINDO conducted a validation workshop for employers to gather inputs and views from employers on issues and challenges concerning technology and soft skills development and submitted its policy proposal to the government and outreached to media in June 2021.
APINDO could make policy advocacy to map government strategies developed by the Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Labour to address Industry 4.0 demands, especially in developing the soft skills of employees in the changing industrial climate. APINDO's policy proposal was also made to stimulate greater stakeholder collaboration towards developing demand-driven soft skills and address skill gaps. At organizational level, APINDO has improved its capacity to develop evidence-based positions and to stimulate debates amongst the employers on national skills development policies.
Should you need further info of the research result please see (English version) or go through this link for Bahasa Indonesia version.