Signing of MoU and Socialization by DPP APINDO Central Kalimantan
Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Central Kalimantan – The Green Jobs Seminar organized by the Provincial Leadership Board of the Indonesian Employers’ Association (DPP APINDO) of Central Kalimantan aimed to inspire students to become independent entrepreneurs (business owners) who are environmentally friendly and in harmony with nature. The event continued with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between APINDO, held at the Student Center building on Tuesday, March 11, 2025.
The seminar was attended by the Rector of IAHN-TP, the Vice Rector III, and involved Student Activity Units (UKM), particularly students enrolled in entrepreneurship courses, members of the Entrepreneurship UKM, and students managing the Sahabat Alam Waste Bank at IAHN-TP.
In his speech, Rector Dr. Mujiyono, S.Ag, M.Ag, stated that "Green Jobs align with the Ministry of Religious Affairs' second work program, Ecotheology." He further expressed his support for the seminar and hoped that the signed MoU would lead to further collaboration. Green Jobs have a positive impact on maintaining a clean, healthy, and harmonious environment.
Humans and nature are manifestations of God that can be visibly observed. Humans also embody the essence of Tri Murti, which means they should be able to create beneficial innovations, such as producing works from campus waste or transforming the campus into a greener and more sustainable environment. By utilizing waste and engaging in reforestation, students demonstrate their ability to create meaningful contributions. The Tri Murti concept emphasizes the role of preservation, encouraging humans to develop a protective attitude toward the environment and the universe.
Meanwhile, the concept of pralina, or transformation, highlights the importance of restoring and improving unfavorable conditions. This principle is evident in activities such as land cleaning to prepare for new plant growth, ultimately producing fresh oxygen.
The seminar carried the theme "Transformation Towards a Sustainable Economy: Optimizing Indonesia’s Strength for Accelerating the SDGs 2030", which was presented by Mr. Robby, Vice Chairman of DPP APINDO Central Kalimantan.
At the end of his presentation, he emphasized that APINDO aims to implement three forms of collaboration: organic farming, inorganic waste management, and knitting craftsmanship. IAHN-TP, particularly the Entrepreneurship UKM, will serve as the central point and pilot project in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan.