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Apindo Riau Ensures Timely THR Payments by Companies

Apindo Riau Ensures Timely THR Payments by Companies

PEKANBARU – The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) Riau has assured that all companies affiliated with the association are prepared to pay the Tunjangan Hari Raya (THR) (Religious Holiday Allowance) to employees in accordance with applicable regulations. This confirmation was directly conveyed by the Chairman of Apindo Riau, Wijatmoko Rah Trisno, who emphasized the commitment of employers to fulfilling their employees' rights.


"All Apindo Riau members are fully committed to paying THR in accordance with the prevailing regulations," Wijatmoko stated to halloriau on Thursday (March 13, 2025).


He added that companies under Apindo Riau have maintained a strong track record in ensuring employees' rights, particularly regarding THR payments. This reflects the seriousness of business owners in safeguarding workers' well-being ahead of the holiday celebrations.


Government to Monitor THR Payments

The Riau Provincial Government has also emphasized that THR payments must comply with regulations to ensure workers' welfare. Governor Abdul Wahid reminded business owners that they must adhere to the stipulations set forth in existing labor laws.

The THR policy for this year is supported by two circular letters from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemnaker RI):

  1. Circular Letter No. M/2/HK.04.00/III/2025, which regulates the provision of THR for employees and workers in companies.
  2. Circular Letter No. M/3/HK.04.00/III/2025, which regulates the provision of holiday bonuses for drivers and couriers in app-based transportation services.

The Head of the Riau Manpower and Transmigration Office (Disnakertrans), Boby Rachmat, affirmed that THR payments are a mandatory obligation for employers, as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 36 of 2021 on Wages and Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 6 of 2016.


"THR must be paid no later than seven days before the holiday. For employees with a minimum of 12 months of service, the THR amount is equivalent to one month's salary. Meanwhile, employees with less than 12 months of service will receive a proportionate THR amount," Boby explained.


THR Complaint Post Established

As a preventive measure against potential violations, the Riau Provincial Government has set up a THR Complaint Post at the Disnakertrans Riau office. Employees who do not receive their THR as required can report their employers through this complaint post.

"We are ready to receive reports from employees if any company fails to fulfill its obligations. The monitoring team will follow up on each complaint to ensure that workers' rights are upheld," Boby added.


With the commitment from Apindo Riau and strict government supervision, it is expected that this year’s THR payments will be carried out smoothly and on time, allowing employees to celebrate the holiday with greater peace and prosperity.




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